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E.N.T Treatment Service

Our ENT Department is one of the best in the industry. We have a team of medical professionals that are veterans in the field of ENT.


E.N.T Treatment Service

ENT is a medical abbreviation for ears, nose and throat. A doctor who specializes in treating disorders related to these organs, is called an “ENT,” or in technical terms is an otolaryngologist. ENT Treatment in India is an important branch of medicine.

The ears, nose and throat are important sensory organs with great roles in day to day functioning. The ears are not just related to hearing, but also function to provide you with a sense of balance. The nose provides a sense of smell, but also partially provides for your sense of taste. The nose also plays an important function in defensive mechanisms of the body and humidifying air to prevent germs from entering the body. The throat provides the route for both air to reach the lungs, as well as the route for food and water to enter your digestive tract.

Dysfunction to the ears, nose or throat are disruptions to daily life and in some cases may constitute a medical emergency. If you have chronic ear, nose, or throat problems, it is advisable to not only see a primary care physician, but to also include an otolaryngologist in the management of your disorder.

Ear Nose Throat Disorders

The surgeries for the throat include complex procedures like Laryngectomy (cancer of the larynx) and it also include an easy procedure of Tonsillectomy (tonsils) or Adenoidectomy ( removal of the adenoids by surgery). The ear surgeries are done to correct the problems associated with hearing. The surgeries of the nose are done to treat the sinus problems. The surgeries of neck and head are performed to remove a tumor or also construct the damaged area after injury or trauma. The problem of tumors (lumps) in the parotid can be largely seen in every age group. These tumor forms from an abnormal growth of the cells inside the gland. It has been examined that about 80% of the tumors are non-cancerous and are known as Benign Tumors. Although very rarely these tumors could be cancerous.

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